Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de fear

to feartemer

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I fearyo temo
you feartú temes
he fearsél teme
she fearsella teme
we fearnosotros tememos
you fearvosotros teméis
they fearellos temen
they fearellas temen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I fearedyo temí
you fearedtú temiste
he fearedél temió
she fearedella temió
we fearednosotros temimos
you fearedvosotros temisteis
they fearedellos temieron
they fearedellas temieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have fearedyo he temido
you have fearedtú has temido
he has fearedél ha temido
she has fearedella ha temido
we have fearednosotros hemos temido
you have fearedvosotros habéis temido
they have fearedellos han temido
they have fearedellas han temido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had fearedyo había temido
you had fearedtú habías temido
he had fearedél había temido
she had fearedella había temido
we had fearednosotros habíamos temido
you had fearedvosotros habíais temido
they had fearedellos habían temido
they had fearedellas habían temido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will fearyo temeré
you will feartú temerás
he will fearél temerá
she will fearella temerá
we will fearnosotros temeremos
you will fearvosotros temeréis
they will fearellos temerán
they will fearellas temerán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have fearedyo habré temido
you will have fearedtú habrás temido
he will have fearedél habrá temido
she will have fearedella habrá temido
we will have fearednosotros habremos temido
you will have fearedvosotros habréis temido
they will have fearedellos habrán temido
they will have fearedellas habrán temido

I would fearyo temería
you would feartú temerías
he would fearél temería
she would fearella temería
we would fearnosotros temeríamos
you would fearvosotros temeríais
they would fearellos temerían
they would fearellas temerían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have fearedyo habría temido
you would have fearedtú habrías temido
he would have fearedél habría temido
she would have fearedella habría temido
we would have fearednosotros habríamos temido
you would have fearedvosotros habríais temido
they would have fearedellos habrían temido
they would have fearedellas habrían temido

Participio presenteAnotado
fearing temiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
feared temido

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